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Tuesday, 25 October 2011


Thank you for all your comments, especially Juliet from Hampshire, and as so many of you want me to carry on with this blog then I am prepared to do so.  I would be more than happy to respond to any personal requests for information on specific texts, so if you cannot find what you need in the archive then just contact me and I will do my utmost to help.

 In the meantime, here are some useful links for those of you working on Shelley's Frankenstein, keeping in mind:  AO4: Demonstrate understanding of the significance and influence of the contexts in which literary texts are written and received.  This discovery channel documentary should be useful:

 There is also a useful  site for you to download details of how to respond to the question: How does Shelley attempt to engage the reader in the first five chapters of the novel.  You could try this first and check out other documents which have been placed on the site concerning  topics within the AQA LITB curriculum, but it can prove user unfriendly:

Use this one instead to get the essay structure suggestions:                    


A further link that gives food for thought on the 10 meanings of Frankenstein:
Once on this site then click on the link for  "Readers' new meanings for Frankenstein."

The images above are all from the National Theatre production of Frankenstein last year, involving Benedict Cumberbatch and Jonny Lee Miller; follow the links for Nick Dear's thoughts on both the novel and on his theatre adaptation:

The novel: 

And on adapting Chapter 5:

An absolutely essential resource for both AS and A2 AQA LITB is Peter Ackroyd's brilliant series on the Romantics; you can find in the archive to this blog a more specific episode on Coleridge and The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, but here it is for those of you haven't mastered the search through my archive yet:

For more information on Mary Shelley and on the Romantic movement, then watch the whole series starting with the first one here: 


  1. You are back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Yeeaaah yeaaah please dont lave us again this is my fav resource.

  3. Way to go sister! I am guessing you're female?? a classmate said the high priestess of AS Eng Lit is back. Thank you sooo much - grateful of Hunstville Alabama

  4. My teacher recomended this site , thank you - Jayne C - Hull

  5. My faith in human nature is always reinforced when I see the wonderful unpaid work people like you do - thank you cm
